
This is Aalto. A Professional theme for
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531 West Avenue, NY

Mon - Sat 8 AM - 8 PM

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DFV black and white barrel
Flea hitting backside surfing


The best time to start pursuing your goals is right now.


I see people getting frustrated surfing, that is why I want to share my knowledge. From knowing where to go with different tides, swells, and winds, I can show you where to sit, how to do different turns, get tubed, and definitely have more fun.

“Steamer Lane is a super tricky wave and is very hard to get any waves while free surfing. If it weren't for Flea it would have been easy to go into my first heat sitting in the wrong spot and choosing the wrong waves. Instead, he used his local knowledge to give me a rundown on what the best waves look like and where they come in. This makes a huge difference when it comes to competing... I ended up winning my first Prime at the Lane.”
- Luke Wyler

Local Knowledge

The Wave Whisperer lol! Surfing with Darryl has been incredible. The way he finds the best waves, reads a lineup, and maximizes the surf on hand is next level. Coming from SoCal it’s been beyond helpful to pick his brain and gather insight as we’re surfing. His ability in the ocean (big waves or small) is obvious, but his ability is communicate his knowledge is really special. Those two skills usually don’t come together.

Personal improvement

As someone who has surfed for a number of years I wanted to step up my game, and it became apparent that I wasn’t going to do this on my own. Surprisingly Darryl and I worked on the basics, positioning and paddling. Darryl’s deep knowledge in all waves big and small, gives him a unique perspective on the subtle changes that make all the difference.

Great Instruction

Hi! My name is Brody and I am 11 years old. I have been surfing with my family since I was 2. I’m lucky to have been in the water so much already. But my sessions with legend Darryl ‘Flea’ Virostko have been very good for me! First time I ever ate it on a wave with him, I wanted to quit and go in. But what he said made me believe in myself and I’m so glad I didn’t let being scared get in the way of my dreams. Being scared is part of the process and surfing with Flea always reminds me of that! Plus he rips and knows so much about the ocean that I always learn something valuable and maybe even “secret” to other surfers! Thanks Flea! YEW!!!